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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Natural Remedy That Improves HDL

Cholesterol is much discussed in advertisements; many pharmaceutical companies talk about it as if it is the greatest threat to human health in the world. And they have the perfect drug to lower your cholesterol levels.

But the advertisements seldom mention the fact that cholesterol is absolutely essential to human life. Cholesterol is both a major part of the membrane which surrounds every cell in the body, and it is essential for the body to synthesize certain compounds, including bile acids, natural steroids, and vitamin D.

Cholesterol is synthesized in the body, primarily in the liver, and is also ingested along with many foods.

Cholesterol needs to attach itself to certain proteins in order to circulate through the blood stream; these are the lipoproteins. There are two types of lipoproteins that are important: Low-density lipoproteins, usually abbreviated as LDL, and High-density lipoproteins, or HDL.

These lipoproteins are important because they function differently as transporters of cholesterol. Cholesterol which is attached to LDL is the type which builds up in the blood vessels, these deposits (or plaque) lead to atherosclerosis, and limit the circulation of the blood by narrowing and stiffening the walls of the blood vessels.

On the other hand, HDL seems to transport excess cholesterol back to the liver where it is broken down and excreted.

The ratio of LDL to HDL is important. (An easy way to remember which is which is L for lousy, and H for healthy.) Many doctors are recommending that patients increase the HDL levels and decrease the LDL levels.

There is an inexpensive, safe, natural remedy that increases the HDL levels, cranberry juice. Studies have shown drinking just 8 ounces a day produced a significant increase in HDL levels. (Make sure what you are drinking is cranberry juice, not a cranberry flavored blend of juices, or flavored sugared water; you may need to go to a health food store to find real cranberry juice.) Unsweetened cranberry juice is very tart, and definitely an acquired taste, if you need to sweeten the juice to drink it, be aware of the extra calories, or the health effects of artificial sweeteners.

The great thing about this natural remedy is the lack of side effects, and low cost.

Monday, January 22, 2007

A Natural Remedy for Nighttime Leg Cramps

I was asked recently about a natural remedy for nighttime leg cramps.

First, if you have frequent or persistent nighttime leg cramps, you should consult with a health professional, as they may be a symptom of a more serious condition.

There are many potential causes of leg cramps, including dehydration. Sometimes being sure you drink enough water will prevent a re-occurrence of cramps.

A simple, and generally effective, natural treatment for leg cramps is to pinch your upper lip below the nose (about half way between the lip and nose) and hold pressure for 5-10 seconds, and repeat several times, until the cramp relaxes. I find this to be effective about 3/4 of the time. It is easy to try and has no side effects (unless you bruise easily, then you may see some bruising), and can easily be done with no need for any equipment, and need to even get up out of bed.

That was the advice I offered, try it and see if it helps.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

More Good News About Chocolate

Research has turned up some more good news about chocolate. Many people have heard that dark chocolate has similar health effects as red wine, without the alcohol, and have felt less guilty about indulging chocolate cravings as a result.

It seems that dark chocolate has a similar effect as aspirin on platelet clumping. Aspirin reduces platelet clumping, and has been recommended to many people to reduce their chances of developing a blood clot, which could block a blood vessel, and might cause a heart attack or stroke.

Dark chocolate seems to have a similar effect on platelet clumping, perhaps due to one of the many phytonutrients (a big word that means plant nutrients) naturally contained in cocoa beans.

Eating a little dark chocolate (one or two pieces of a good quality chocolate) every day could be a delicious way to protect your health. Look for high cacao content, and low butter and sugar content; this will maximize the benefit, and minimize the calories consumed.