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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Natural Remedy That Improves HDL

Cholesterol is much discussed in advertisements; many pharmaceutical companies talk about it as if it is the greatest threat to human health in the world. And they have the perfect drug to lower your cholesterol levels.

But the advertisements seldom mention the fact that cholesterol is absolutely essential to human life. Cholesterol is both a major part of the membrane which surrounds every cell in the body, and it is essential for the body to synthesize certain compounds, including bile acids, natural steroids, and vitamin D.

Cholesterol is synthesized in the body, primarily in the liver, and is also ingested along with many foods.

Cholesterol needs to attach itself to certain proteins in order to circulate through the blood stream; these are the lipoproteins. There are two types of lipoproteins that are important: Low-density lipoproteins, usually abbreviated as LDL, and High-density lipoproteins, or HDL.

These lipoproteins are important because they function differently as transporters of cholesterol. Cholesterol which is attached to LDL is the type which builds up in the blood vessels, these deposits (or plaque) lead to atherosclerosis, and limit the circulation of the blood by narrowing and stiffening the walls of the blood vessels.

On the other hand, HDL seems to transport excess cholesterol back to the liver where it is broken down and excreted.

The ratio of LDL to HDL is important. (An easy way to remember which is which is L for lousy, and H for healthy.) Many doctors are recommending that patients increase the HDL levels and decrease the LDL levels.

There is an inexpensive, safe, natural remedy that increases the HDL levels, cranberry juice. Studies have shown drinking just 8 ounces a day produced a significant increase in HDL levels. (Make sure what you are drinking is cranberry juice, not a cranberry flavored blend of juices, or flavored sugared water; you may need to go to a health food store to find real cranberry juice.) Unsweetened cranberry juice is very tart, and definitely an acquired taste, if you need to sweeten the juice to drink it, be aware of the extra calories, or the health effects of artificial sweeteners.

The great thing about this natural remedy is the lack of side effects, and low cost.

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